Looking Forward

I feel so bad that I haven’t posted in MONTHS. It has been a rough year because of my sister’s surgery and slow recovery. I’ve also struggled a little with my job this year. My Board of Directors decided to close the museum in Middlebury, so I have been working from home since October. I also got a new puppy, Woody, who is a sweetheart. Here he is with Otto the cat.


I have been living by myself because my mom has moved into my sister’s house in Rutland to care for her. Between my job and caring for the animals (2 cats, 2 dogs, 1 goldfish) and my migraines, I have been struggling to make good meals. Every day I strive to keep my carb intake low enough to stay under the threshold for a migraine. (If you suffer from migraines, I recommend My Migraine Miracle by Dr. Josh Turknett, who advocates a Paleo-type diet to prevent migraines.)

As I enter 2017, I hope to post more regularly. I have been experimenting with the Instant Pot, fermentation, and making soups in my new Le Creuset dutch oven and hope to share some recipes and photos here soon.


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